Dear Golden Gate American School Community,
We are excited to announce the upcoming Golden Gate American School, Mean Chey Campus Groundbreaking Ceremony, which will take place on Thursday, June 22, 2023. This ceremony will mark the beginning of an exciting new chapter for our school and its community.
We are honoured to have distinguished guests presiding over the event, including Samdech Pichey Sena Tea Banh, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense, Board of Governors of Golden Gate American School, and Golden Gate American School Management Team.
The event will begin with the Krong Pali Ceremony, followed by the groundbreaking and drilling ceremony. We will then come together to sing the national anthem of Cambodia and enjoy a blessing dance performed by our talented students.
Lok Chumteav Heng Sokunthea, the chairwoman of principals of Golden Gate American School, will deliver a welcoming speech and brief report. We will also showcase short footage displaying the Master Plan of Golden Gate American School, Mean Chey campus.
We are especially thrilled to have Samdech Pichey Sena Tea Banh deliver a remarkable speech, as we celebrate this momentous occasion.
Afterwards, we will take photographs and hold an Honorable Awarding Ceremony and Medal Awarding Ceremony for our deserving students.
Finally, we will close the event, marking the beginning of a new era for Golden Gate American School.
Please note that the dress code for the event is males wearing a jacket without a tie, and females wearing formal traditional Khmer clothing.
We look forward to seeing you all at this exciting event and celebrating the future of Golden Gate American School, Mean Chey Campus.
Warm Regards,
Golden Gate American School Management Team.